Crop Hail Coverage
Insure your whole crop from hail damage without paying for overlapping coverage.
With any Federal Subsidized Crop Insurance program, you (as the producer), assume the risk on the top portion of your crop. With traditional hail programs added to your Yield Protection (YP) or Revenue Protection (RP), you have overlapping coverage and pay more in premiums than is necessary.
The Farmers Crop ACH program works jointly with your YP or RP to offer you excellent coverage at an affordable price. Remember, hail is a covered peril under your YP or RP, but not until it exceeds your deductible under that policy.
With Farmers Crop, put the hail coverage where you need it most, above the guarantee established by your YP or RP. We use your MPCI Actual Production History and multiply it by 115% or 120% (these percentages are used for most crops). This allows for the average and above-average year yields. The bushels guaranteed under your Federally Subsidized YP or RP are then subtracted and the remaining bushels are multiplied by the applicable YP or RP base price election. This is your ACH guarantee.
Note that your loss is set by the adjuster’s appraisal and cannot exceed that amount. In the event of a hailstorm, you must notify your agent. An adjuster will determine the percentage of loss. The loss cannot be paid until the crop is harvested, since the ACH Program is based on the harvested production. With Farmers Crop’s ACH Program you can cut costs and still maintain excellent coverage.